Latest publications

Zero Emission Think Tank e.V. - NGO

Knowledge sharing

Solving the climate crisis

New expierience - carbon free - lifestyle with zero footprint

Media Services

Spiegel Online

Christian Stoecker Kolummne:

Die Feinde der Menschheit 

Die Studie als argumentative Unterstützung

G 7 Summit Pm

Press Release accourding the results of the G 7 sSummit in Schloss Elmau, Germany, 28th of June 2022

UN WUF 11 Pm

Press Release on the United Nations Conference on Urbanisation WUF 11in Katowice Poland 30th of June , 2022

Who we are


Der Zusammenschluss verschiedener Professoren/innen soll den Wissensvermittlung und Praxisbewältigung von den Transformation Prozessen in unserer Gesellschaft auf breiter Ebene unterstützen. Dazu stellen wir interessierten Gruppen und Bildungsinstituten wissenschaftliche fundiertes Basismaterial für Bildung und eigene Forschung zur Verfügung.


Symbol for „cheap renewables“


Our Story

President Prof. Eicke Weber, former Director Fraunhofer ISE Freiburg and Prof. at Berkeley University, CA. and a fellow of the American Physical Society, today Vice president of ISES, Brussels, Belgium, started the Zero Emission Think Tank in October 2021 together with Frank Ossenbrink, to join all forces in science for better knowledge in education fields about climate neutral projects and against fake news about science facts in climate change. 

The universities of Espoo, Helsinki, Berkeley, Stanford, Barcelona, Katowice, Vienna, Linz, Freiburg, Fribourg, Tunis, Oslo, Uppsala, and Tallinn are among the leading groups, who are joining this initiative beside a group of high-ranking specialists in the education field in Germany, Estonia, Finnland, and Denmark.

Creativity, innovation, and the common goal to reduce CO2 emissions with fast and suitable solutions for all generations is the status of our work, which is documented in Germany as a Verein, Estonia as an NGO, and in the European Patent Network. 

Production of energy in a zero emission-free world is one of the bases of our work. All papers and educational materials are proved by university groups and teams. 

We are proud to be supported by Amory Lovins in Aspen and John Perlin in Santa Barbara.

We agree to announce also papers on actual cases like the energy situation in Germany, but we are not using these papers for educational material.

After discussing these papers with our university teams we decide to support them.

One of these papers from June last year about the energy situation on oil and gas in Germany we cannot support any longer, because no university team could make a science follow-up paper out of it. 

By free to send Your projects to us, we would be ver honored, to prove it for educational material. 

Yours truly,

Prof. Eicke Weber, Chairman of the Board



Zero Emission Think Tank / NGO

We are a pro climate solutions, non-profit organisation. Our mission is to promote key climate solutions. We provide educational materials, and, we organize Workshops for Government Agencies and for Business Leaders. We welcome Partners to sponsor Workshops. Let`s go to zero. 

Our Services


You can download educational materials for free. Climate solutions are here.

For more info:


Workshops, how to implement a zero emission business plan and profit from it

Target group:

Government Agencies, Business Leaders, and 

everyone starting with new ideas for a better world.

Zero Emissions is our Mission.

Our workshops come with science partners

to help you and society to profit from zero emissions.

What are we waiting for?

Just get the job done.

zero emission practice

Practice and hints for groups and individuals, how are interested in going away from burning fossil energy for a better climate

Zero Emission Think Tank / NGO

Technical Coordination

  Chairman of the Board

Prof. Eicke R. Weber 

Director European Solar Manufacturing Council ESMC

Chairman, Kommission für Energie und nachhaltiges Wirtschaften und

Senator, Bundesverband der Mittelständischen Wirtschaft BVMW

former Director, Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE, Freiburg

Prof. em., Department of Materials Science and Engineering, UC Berkeley

Prof. em., Fak. f. Mathematik & Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Member, International Advisory Board  ASPIDE Technology

            Media Partner

Frank Ossenbrink

Mediagroup Berlin GmbH,

Business administration, economic geography and PhD in communication science, Public speaker on disruptive innovations and education, 

Studies  in Sweden, Brasil, Latvia and Germany, working Journalist since 1987, Campaign management since 1989,

Working with all major  magazines and newspapers  in Europe, 

Coordinator of the Initiative Schule- jetzt, better education services  for all generations

Frank Ossenbrink - CEO bei media group berlin - LinkedIn › frank-ossenbrink-b8566a72

Talk about solutions

Amory Lovins

Pioneer Soft Energy Path (erneuerbare Energien + Effizienz)

Gründer Rocky Mountain Institute

Erstes Nullenergiehaus 1983


z.B. Right Livelihood Award (Alternativer Nobelpreis), Bundesverdienstkreuz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Prof. Daniel M. Kammen 

UC Berkeley

A world known scientist with a great heart for the African continent

Advisor to the US Government

Tony Seba 


The keynote speaker and author about disruption and rethinking societies 

Hans-Josef Fell 

Politician and early green activist and scientist

Co-inventor EEG/feed-in tariffs 

Energy Watch Group

Member German parliament 1998-2012

Prof. Mark Jacobson 

University of Stanford, California

Quantifying the global energy transition, countrywise

Prof. John Perlin 

UC Berkeley

Historian, Book Author 

"The 6,000 year story of solar energy"

"Let it shine"

Innovation team on education field and industry practice

Ari Huczkowski

Founder Lunintel FI

long term Director Espoo

Innovation Garden, Helsinki,FI, advisor on innovation hub constructing for more than 75 institutions worldwide

Pasi Pennanen

Designer and industry innovation founder on high energy mobility

Technical team on climate and grid solutions

Spread the word

Tony Seba

"Wind and Solar will disrupt the energy markets -

because they are so cheap"

Mark Jacobson

"the payback is 5 years for a 100% renewable energy system"

Amory Lovins

"Fat, straight tubes have less friction, need smaller pumps,

which use 80% less energy."

"This is 50% of all coal plants in the world - unnecessary for decades"

Eicke Weber

"We are 99% dependant on solar cell imports"

"We need domestic solar manufacturing" 

Dan Kammen

"We have all we need to solve the climate crisis"

Contact us